We answer your questions clearly and concisely. Always.

See what others have asked below (click the + to show the answer)
What is a Registered Investment Advisor?
Individuals or firms that receive compensation for giving advice on investing in securities such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds or exchange traded funds are deemed to be investment advisors. It is also common for investment advisors to manage portfolios of securities. RIAs generally are paid in any of the following ways: a percentage of the value of the assets they manage for you, an hourly fee, fixed fee or a commission on the securities they sell (if the adviser is also a broker-dealer). Learn More.
Why do people hire you?
How do you attract new clients?
What type of clients do you serve?
Do you have a minimum account size requirement?
Do you have custody of my assets?
What if something happens to Sculati Wealth Management, or its advisors?
Are there any termination fees if I decide to use a different advisor?
How are you compensated?
What services are included with this fee?
Will I have to pay any brokerage commissions or fees?
Who has the authority to make changes in a client’s portfolio?
Does anyone at Sculati Wealth Management have the authority to withdraw money from my account?
Do you call for my approval in regards to buying and selling securities in my account?
Do you take taxes into consideration when managing my account?
I am interested in becoming a client. What do I do?
I am interested in referring somebody. What do I do?
What does your “new client” process look like?
Are there any fees involved in the initial “new client” meeting?
Do you charge to create a financial plan?
Are there any obligations after a financial plan has been reviewed?
How do you keep me updated on the progress of my portfolio?
Sculati Wealth Management will send you quarterly reports that include your investment return compared to a blended index, using the holdings in your account rather than a generic index which would not, in most cases, be close to the way your assets are allocated. Most firms do not offer this capability.
Each of our clients has his or her own portal at our Web site, a secure place to review your quarterly reports and invoices, as well as to send us secure documents. This allows us to receive your important information as quickly and securely as possible while providing security, privacy, and protection. All items we send electronically may be printed so that you can have hard copies.
You will also receive monthly statements from the brokerage firm you have designated for the deposit of your assets. Paperless statements and confirmations are available from our preferred custodian Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Additionally, you will receive a personal letter each quarter with our view of the world’s investment climate. Also, we have the ability to generate customized reports to help you with tax planning, monthly income planning, and asset allocation.